Group tour september 2019

Departure date: 2019-09-04


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Package - Package price per person in shared Double/Twin room

  • Tahiti Package tour: Including International flight, 4 night Papeete, 5 night Rangiora island, 5 night Fakavara island, all domestic flights, all local transfers, breakfast & dinner, one lunch, 20 dives, free nitrox, all diving equipment, one time whale watching tour
Price from 6 314 EUR
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Travel information

2019-09-04 Utresa Arlanda, Ankomst Los angeles, stop over Los angels
2019-09-05 Utresa Los angeles ankomst Pepeete
2019-09-05 Day 1 Arrival 21:45 Transfer Check in Hotel Tahiti Nui 3* - Tahiti
2019-09-06 Day 2 Hotel Tahiti Nui 3* - Tahiti
2019-09-07 Day 3 Hotel Tahiti Nui 3* - Tahiti
2019-09-08 Day 4 Flyg med Air Tahiti Peppete-Rangiora. Hotel Le Maitai Rangiroa - 3*
2019-09-09 Day 5 Hotel Le Maitai Rangiroa - 3*
2019-09-10 Day 6 Hotel Le Maitai Rangiroa - 3*
2019-09-11 Day 7 Hotel Le Maitai Rangiroa - 3*
2019-09-12 Day 8 Hotel Le Maitai Rangiroa - 3*
2019-09-13 Day 9 Flyg Air Tahiti Rangiora-Fakavara. Pension Havaiki Lodge - Fakarava North
2019-09-14 Day 10 Pension Havaiki Lodge - Fakarava North
2019-09-15 Day 11 Pension Havaiki Lodge - Fakarava North
2019-09-16 Day 12 Pension Havaiki Lodge - Fakarava North
2019-09-17 Day 13 Pension Havaiki Lodge - Fakarava North
2019-09-18 Day 14 Flyg med Air Tahiti Fakavara-Pepeete. Hotel Royal Tahitien - Tahiti Standard Class
2019-09-19 Day 15 Departure Pepette 2345
2019-09-20 Day 16 Ankomst Los angeles, Overnight Los angeles
2019-09-21 Day 17 Utresa Los angeles,
2019-09-22 Day 18 Ankomst Arlanda


Our grupp tours

Our package tours- French Polynesia

About the country

French Polynesia lies south of the equator, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The main island of Tahiti and her sister islands are what is called French Poynesia and together they cover an area of ​​more than 4 million km², which corresponds to an area as large as Europe!

French Polynesia consists of 118 islands, grouped mainly in 5 island groups. Society, Tuamotu, Gambier, Marquises and Australes. The total land area on these 118 islands is a total of 4,000 km2, which corresponds to only one thousandth of the total area of ​​Polynesia! On these islands are some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the world, with white sandy beaches lined with coconut trees, emerald green mountains with spectacular peaks, lagoons with varying colors from jade to turquoise depending. Here are valleys filled with dazzling flowers all year round.